Estate Appraisals and Planning | Insurance Valuations | Equitable Distribution | Advisory and Inventory Services

My Services Address All Manner of Tangible Personal Property Needs

Estate Tax and Settlement: I provide Fair Market Value appraisals compliant with IRS requirements.

Estate Planning: I provide Fair Market Value or Marketable Cash Value appraisals to proactively assist individuals and families in the division and distribution of property.

Insurance: I provide Retail Replacement Value appraisals for the insurance scheduling of your valuables.

Equitable Distribution: I provide Fair Market Value or Marketable Cash Value appraisals to assist in the division of tangible personal property in divorce and probate situations.

Non Cash Charitable Donation: I provide Fair Market Value appraisals, with the required 8283 tax form, to be submitted to the IRS for tax benefits.

Inventory: I provide expertly catalogued and illustrated inventories for collections or household contents. 

Advisory Services: I impartially advise on potential selling options and venues.